Member-only story
This Crash Is Intentional And Planned
For quite some time I have been expecting a major economic crash for this country. At first I did not realize it would involve so much of the rest of the globe. However, even when the crash of 2008 occurred, my response was, “This isn’t it. Something much, much bigger is coming.”
The evidence was easy to see and I have tracked the factors leading up to it over years. Marking off mental check boxes as policies and preventable occurrences happened, watching the pieces fall into place. Instinctively or subconsciously identifying each occurrence while also striving to expand my knowledge and understanding to how and why.
Very early on, I realized one thing. That the coming economic collapse was preventable, planned and intentional by major forces in the global economy.
I know some are going to claim this is a paranoid conspiracy theory. It’s not. As stated, this is clearly identifiable. Are there literal evil agendas and motivations at play? Yes, there are but much depends on how one defines evil. One cannot deny there are major global forces intent on warfare and destruction.
Though what is more common is a sociopathic apathy to human suffering based on greed. This is far more common in the general public than many wish to believe. Apathy can be as or more destructive than malice. Malice is focused, apathy is not. Apathy can include those willing to close their eyes to atrocities committed by their government or corporate entities out of individual desire for inexpensive…