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Libertarians Are Not Progressives
As in 2016, again Libertarians are making a showing in Progressive groups. This becomes somewhat questionable to me when they have been mostly silent in these groups since the 2016 election ended.
The biggest problem I see with this is that they are being welcomed as allies. I am not stating they are exactly complete opposites to Progressives because there are some areas of alignment on civil rights issues. They do have similar goals when speaking of legalizing cannabis and ending wars. That tends to be where any similarity begins and ends.
The biggest problem with Libertarians is that while they verbally support human and civil rights causes, they actively oppose the funding or specific civil liberties required for those same causes.
Examples. To give a few examples, Libertarians:
Object to the very existence of a minimum wage. Yet claim that wages would somehow magically increase if the minimum wage ceased to exist.
They think all social programs should be privatized, all the way down to Social Security and public schools.
They support corporations being allowed to police themselves. Because that has worked out so well that we have over 1300 superfund sites in the US alone. Never mind the environmental damage done by the US military and corporations in other countries.
They are actively opposed to bank regulation and consumer protection laws. In their view, business should be able to behave in any…