It’s Official. Bernie Supporters Are DNC Bots

Russell Meyers For President 2024
8 min readNov 18, 2019

In 2016, we heard a range of specific arguments supporting Hillary.

She’s the ONLY one who can beat Trump!

It doesn’t matter if someone else has better policies!

We have to unite behind the Democrats and beat Trump!

Third parties can’t win!!!

Flash forward to today and guess what is being repeated by Bernie supporters on a daily basis right this minute?

Bernie is the ONLY one who can beat Trump!

It doesn’t matter if someone else has better policies!

We HAVE to unite behind Bernie and beat Trump!

Third parties can’t win!!!

I have made it very clear that I support Tulsi Gabbard more than Bernie. No, I am not being a cultist, as I accuse others of being. I focus on policies and look at each candidate’s policies quite objectively. If there is something to criticize, I openly do so, have done so and will continue to do so.

The main thing I tend to look at is how benign versus how extremely dangerous any policy is by any candidate. To date, the only criticisms I have of Tulsi are effectively benign, when the facts are examined and combined with other policies. In the case of Bernie, I do not find his flaws to be benign. I find his flaws to be inherently extremely dangerous. I have covered some of these before but let’s take another look and a fresh comparison at the most crucial aspects…



Russell Meyers For President 2024

I am running as an Independent for US president in 2024. Peace, Humanity, Prosperity for ALL Americans.