Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Russell Meyers For President 2024
5 min readNov 22, 2022

I want to wish everyone in America a Happy Thanksgiving.

This wish is not coming from any colonialist, nationalistic perspective. I am not blind in the least to the history of this country and I am not one to engage in denial about these things.

This wish for all comes from my own view on Thanksgiving, which has nothing to do with history. It is a philosophy of being thankful for what we have at the moment, no matter how much or how little we do have. I have experienced past holidays when I could not afford the traditional turkey. One year it was chicken. Another year it was a frozen On-Cor turkey loaf. One year it was hot dogs. Though I was happy in each case for what I did have. I was also happy it was not tofurkey. I’d rather have hot dogs.

A report from the US Farm Bureau stated that the trappings for a Thanksgiving dinner this year are up by 20% over last year on average. As a result, 1 of 3 Americans have said they will be skipping the traditional Thanksgiving meal. The additional expense of the meal comes on top of a dramatic rise in the general cost of living.

Turkey or ham for the holiday is simply a tradition. Traditions can change. None of this means that one should merely settle for where they may currently be in life…



Russell Meyers For President 2024

I am running as an Independent for US president in 2024. Peace, Humanity, Prosperity for ALL Americans.